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  • Alex Marlow

Possibility of Hope

Mom’s sick

The cancer’s back

Medical student mode engaged

Need answers, information

Ask questions

Symptoms? Labs? Imaging? Plan?

Not looking good

Mom’s sick

Need numbers

5-year survival rate


Not looking good

Mom’s sick

She wants Thanksgiving dinner


Medical student mode engaged

Quarantine, meet outside

Masks on, No food

She says she has no fear

But I do

Mom’s sick

Can’t help it

I plan for the worst

Is this how patients’ families feel?

They always seem optimistic

But I train to know

Know all possibilities

How do I know the possibility of hope?

Mom’s sick

Medical school did not prepare me for this

By Alex Marlow

Alex Marlow is a 4th year medical student at the UCI School of Medicine, currently pursuing a MD/MBA. He plans on applying into Psychiatry residency this fall, and is interested in the use of art and writing as a creative outlet to help those with mental health struggles.

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